Sun HPC Consortium Videos Now Available

Thanks to Rich Brueckner and Deirdré Straughan, videos and PDFs are now available from the Sun HPC Consortium meeting held just prior to Supercomputing ’09 in Portland, Oregon. Go here to see a variety of talks from Sun, Sun partners, and Sun customers on all things HPC. Highlights for me included Dr. Happy Sithole’s presentation on Africa’s largest HPC cluster (PDF|video), Marc Parizeau’s talk about CLUMEQ’s Collossus system and its unique datacenter design (PDF|video), and Tom Verbiscer’s talk describing Univa UD’s approach to HPC and virtualization, including some real application benchmark numbers illustrating the viability of the approach (PDF|video).

My talk, HPC Trends, Challenges, and Virtualization (PDF|video) is an evolution of a talk I gave earlier this year in Germany. The primary purposes of the talk were to illustrate the increasing number of common challenges faced by enterprise, cloud, and HPC users and to highlight some of the potential benefits of this convergence to the HPC community. Virtualization is specifically discussed as one such opportunity.

One Response to “Sun HPC Consortium Videos Now Available”

  1. On to a New Adventure! « The Mirror of the Navel of Narcissus Says:

    […] is going to be the next big trend in HPC. I’ve covered some of this previously (here, here, here, and here) but there is much more to say, so stay […]

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